
The Maryland Correctional Administrators Association relies on a variety of committees to drive its mission forward. Each committee is led by appointed chairpersons and vice chairpersons, who must be current MCAA members. The committee leaders appoint members, welcoming general, associate, and lifetime members to serve. Within 60 days of the annual election meeting, the President-elect assigns leadership roles for each standing and ad hoc committee, and additional committees may be established as needed to further MCAA’s goals.
Standing committees
Legislative Committee
Comprised of experienced correctional professionals, this committee promotes public safety, guides decision-making, reviews legislation, and submits regular reports to the Executive Board and
General Membership.
Training, Research, and Professional Development Committee
This committee collects and shares technical information, coordinates support between facilities, and conducts research to foster program development across Maryland’s correctional facilities.
Budget and Finance Committee
Oversees the financial health of the MCAA by preparing the annual budget, conducting internalaudits, and recommending strategic financial actions.
Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse Committee
Focuses on sharing behavioral health resources, identifying training opportunities, and collaborating with related agencies to support correctional staff and inmates.
Information Resource and Technology Committee
Develops the Association’s Public Relations Plan, keeps members updated on technology advancements in corrections, and ensures consistent communication.
Standards Committee
Keeps MCAA members informed about activities of the Maryland Commission on Correctional Standards and participates in regulatory reviews.
Ad Hoc Committees
Legal Issues Committee
Provides updates on relevant case law, advises on legal matters, and drafts legislative recommendations for the Association.
Community Service Awards Program
Recognizes correctional employees for outstanding community service by collecting nominations, selecting award recipients, and managing the awards program.
By-Laws Committee
Reviews and maintains the MCAA By-Laws, addresses member concerns, and proposes amendments as needed.
General Committee Guidelines
Committee leaders report on their activities at membership and Executive Board meetings. Recommendations are submitted in both written and oral form. Standing Committees meet quarterly, while Ad Hoc Committees meet as needed, guided by the MCAA President. These committees ensure that MCAA members are well-informed, connected, and prepared to lead Maryland’s correctional community with integrity and excellence.