Correctional Professionals Serving a Common Goal

Welcome to the Maryland Correctional

Administrators Association 

The MCAA is an organization of correctional professionals that was formed in the 1960’s.  Membership is comprised of professionals working in adult correctional detention centers, adult community correctional facilities, or any adult place of confinement as defined by Title 12, Subtitle 14, of the Code of Maryland Regulations. Membership also includes other allied local and state agencies.


To enhance public safety by promoting the best interest of each jurisdiction through improved operations; training and working conditions for correctional personnel and programs for those in custody, awaiting trial, serving sentences or otherwise confined.


To provide opportunities for the development of skills, knowledge, and initiatives, to maintain the integrity and further the interests of corrections throughout the State of Maryland.


The MCAA is committed to continuous improvement in the field of corrections for the purpose of promoting enhanced public safety in Maryland.


It is considered desirable that there should be an association of the administrators of local and state correctional facilities throughout the State of Maryland in order that the membership can: More

Organizational Highlights

These highlights represent past and current practices of the Association: More

MCAA Member Agencies

Click here to visit Member Agency  websites.

MCAA's Happenings...

What’s Happening Now

MCAA Scholarship Recipients

2023 Scholarship Recipients

The Maryland Correctional Administrators Association (MCAA) Committee is honored to award this year's scholarship recipients to Ashley Gibson, - Howard County DOC; Lauren Lilly - Baltimore County DOC; Benjamin Martin - family member of  Major Harmon of Carroll County Detention Center and Olivia Moats - family member of Lt. Moats of Washington County Sheriff''s Office..More

News & Events

See whats new and events happening...More.

Legislative News

Legislative Updates

MCAA proposes...More.

Regular Meetings

Message from Mary Ann Thompson

MCAA Regular and Executive Board meetings are held...More.


Renew or Join MCAA!

To renew or join MCAA...More.


Public Safety Job Opportunities...


What's Happening
Our Blog


Welcome to the new MCAA website! It has been truly a wonderful journey working with some amazing MCAA Officers and Chairs in breathing life into the website for all members and visitors to gain information toward common goals.

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MCAA is a great organization to become a member of and work with other professionals within corrections.

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